Getting started with openshift v3
As a part of my internship, I am learning to understand the related project Openshift Origin also. The project that I got selected for is a general installer for openshift variants only.
In the process, I was trying my hands on deploying an origin cluster and a sample application with it.
Although their documentation is all that you need.
But for a complete beginner, it’s still difficult to connect dots. So here I am trying to summarize what I learned from my experience.
I too was a beginner but my mentors were there to help, so I hope it helps others.
Openshift is a PaaS. For those who don’t understand what PaaS is, this post explains it very well. Origin is the Open Source project that powers openshift. As this post suggests, with Origin now we can do it all ourselves and see how it works!
So let’s begin!
We will follow the following procedure:
- Deploy Openshift cluster using openshift-ansible.
- Deploy Docker Registry.
- Deploy Router.
- Deploy a sample application.
Preperaing for Install
Note: We are trying the installation in a centos Virtual Machine as the prerequisites from the docs requires the base OS to be one of the: Fedora 21, CentOS 7.1, or RHEL 7.1 or later with "Minimal" installation option, or RHEL Atomic Host 7.2.4 or later.We will need to make sure our environment is ready for the installation. So here is a quick checklist:
- Install Virtualbox.
- Install Vagrant.
- Setup a centos box. (You can use this Vagrantfile).
Create and start the VM:
vagrant up
Ensure host access through ssh:
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ vagrant@host
is the VM's ip.
- Install Ansible.
Step I: Deploy Origin Cluster
There are many methods listed in the documentation. Here we will use the advanced installation.
To be able to install origin using ansible, we need the openshift-ansible setup. First, we need a hosts file (inventory) to specify the hosts for ansible.
Create the hosts file in /etc/ansible/hosts
# Create an OSEv3 group that contains the masters and nodes groups
# Set variables common for all OSEv3 hosts
# SSH user, this user should allow ssh based auth without requiring a password
# enable htpasswd authentication; defaults to DenyAllPasswordIdentityProvider
openshift_master_identity_providers=[{'name': 'htpasswd_auth', 'login': 'true', 'challenge': 'true', 'kind': 'HTPasswdPasswordIdentityProvider', 'filename': '/etc/origin/master/htpasswd'}]
# host group for masters
# host group for nodes, includes region info
<host-ip> openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'infra', 'zone': 'default'}"
<host-ip> openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary', 'zone': 'east'}"
If you installed it using pip then you will have to manually create the file.
The above file specifies two groups. masters and nodes. Let me brief the terms.
From origin docs:
Within OpenShift Origin, Kubernetes manages containerized applications across a set of containers or hosts and provides mechanisms for deployment, maintenance, and application-scaling. Docker packages, instantiates, and runs containerized applications. According to origin architecture.
A Kubernetes cluster consists of one or more masters and a set of nodes.
master: A master is a host which contains components as API server, control manager server (which automates deployments and configurations), and etcd. It manages the nodes and schedules pods on them.
pod: A Pod is one or more container. It is the smallest unit that can be defined, deployed and managed. They are mainly part of some service. It could be a service like a private docker registry, router, a db service or some application. They have their own internal IP. The containers in a pod share the storage and networking.
node: A node is a host that provides runtime environment for the containers. It is where an application or service is deployed.
I have briefed the terms. To better understand them, follow the links and also read the Origin Kubernetes Architecture. So, in our example both the nodes and the masters will be the same host i.e. the virtual machine we have created and is now running.
Now, our inventory is ready. It’s time to clone the repository and run the playbook:
git clone
ansible-playbook openshift-ansible/playbooks/byo/config.yml
Now our cluster is setup and running. We need to move to next step.
Step II: Deploy Docker Registry
Deploying the registry
For us to be able to deploy our application and automate the builds and schedule deployments, we need to create and run our private docker registry in origin. Origin build docker images from our application source code, deploy them and manage their lifecycles through this internal registry.
First ssh into the VM:
vagrant ssh <vm-name>
To deploy the registry in the Openshift Origin environment, run following:
sudo oadm registry --config=/etc/origin/master/admin.kubeconfig --service-account=registry
To check the status of deployment, run:
oc status
If it takes too long, then to debug; run:
oc get pods
oc describe pod <deploymentConfigName>
Here the <deploymentConfigName>
is the name of the pod, you can easily identify it in the list you get from oc get pods
Once the status shows deployed, you can view logs for the registry with:
oc logs dc/docker-registry
If you encounter problems with internet or some other issues, you can delete and re-deploy the registry.
oc delete svc/docker-registry; oc delete dc/docker-registry
If describe pod
shows image pull issues, try pulling the image manually with:
sudo docker pull openshift/origin-deployer:v1.2.0
Now our registry is deployed and running. You can check it by running oc get pods
. You will see the status of the pod running
Accessing the registry directly
We need to give our user the permissions to access the registry to push and pull images. As we enabled htpasswd authentication in our inventory. We will proceed with that.
htpasswd /etc/origin/master/htpasswd <user_name>
oadm policy add-role-to-user system:registry <user_name>
oadm policy add-role-to-user admin <user_name> -n openshift
oadm policy add-role-to-user system:image-builder <user_name>
The <user_name>
should be your system login user. For example in our case, it’s vagrant
. The commands does the following in their order:
- creates a regular user that can later generate access token to log into the registry.
- gives the
the system:registry role. - for docker operations, it provides the
admin role for the openshift project. - for pushing images, it gives the
system:image-builder role.
Now we will log in the registry and try to pull and push images to ensure everything is working properly.
Logging into the registry
Log in Openshift Origin as the regular user:
oc login
Get acces token to log in the registry:
oc whoami -t
Log into the docker registry:
sudo docker login -u <username> -e <email> -p <access_token> <registry_ip:port>
You can get the registry ip and port by running oc status
and looking at the first line starting with svc/docker-registry
Pull and arbitary image:
sudo docker pull
Tag the image:
sudo docker tag <registry_ip:port>/openshift/busybox
Push the newely tagged image:
sudo docker push <registry_ip:port>/openshift/busybox
Here we complete the registry part. You can read the docs for deploying docker registry for more details about how to secure the registry to expose it in public, to study the configuration details, to maintain ips across deployments etc.
Step III: Deploy Router
A router is already created when we deployed the cluster. But it might not have deployed properly. So we will delete it first and then re-deploy.
Run the following:
oc delete svc/router; oc delete dc/router
Now first we need to create a router service account:
oc create serviceaccount router -n default
To add a priviledged SCC:
oadm policy add-scc-to-user privileged system:serviceaccount:default:router
To deploy the default HAProxy router:
oadm router --service-account=router --credentials=${ROUTER_KUBECONFIG:-"$KUBECONFIG"}
You can check the status and pods with same commands that we used for registry. For debugging, the oc describe
can be used with the pod’s name that’s deployed for router.
Step IV: Deploy a sample application
Now we have our registry ready to push images of our source code and the router to serve our application on the ip. We can create and deploy a sample application.
You can follow the Openshift rails tutorial for this part.
And we are done!
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