Welcome to Crypt Analyzer.
It is a tool to compare some Encryption Algorithms. The website is live at: https://cryptanalyzer.herokuapp.com/
- The algorithms it covers are, AES, Triple-DES, Blowfish, Twofish and RC6.
- Analysis is done for both Encryption and Decryption.
- It accept any type of file as input. The file size is restricted to 100MB.
- It provides two type of analysis:
- File size variant: Can compare the algorithms using different input file size.
- Key size variant: Can compare the algorithms using different input key size.
- Provide facility to export result analysis chart.
- Also provides configuration of the underlying system.
Usage Instructions:
The website is self explanatory. The procedure is as follows:
- Select a method from the given four choices.
- Select algorithms to compare. You can also select single algorithm to see it's performance.
- Upload files and click submit.
- You can see the result graph on the next page. You can also export the graph as PNG.
Support or Contact
If you want to report the software, need help or want to suggest changes you can contact me at @swati12jaiswal or drop me a mail at jaiswalswati94atTheRAteGMail Dot com.